A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead Highest LeverageIf you had 45 minutes to sit across the lunch table with anyone today, who would you choose?
I have found there is something special about Friday lunch plans. It's the hinge between our weekly rhythm and weekend plans. There is a different spirit and air about Friday lunch. When our kids were in elementary school, my wife and I decided we were going to go all in on Friday lunch with our kids. It was a way to slingshot our time together as a family over the weekend. I had the privilege of working a 1/2 day most Fridays when our kids were in that season and we made frequent visits to their school for lunch. We'd make a sheet of bagel bites, grab some grapes, and show up with it in our basket. I recognize that not all parents can do this. If you can though, I believe if you show up semi-often, you'll understand why it's such a significant family building opportunity. Sure it involves sticky floors and lots of noise but it could be your highest leverage lunch all week. I use that word on purpose. To have leverage means that you get outsized results from the effort you put forth. Consider this... 45 minutes spent in your child's school lunchroom has an amazing amount of built-in leverage for you as a parent. 9 Reasons We Visited School Lunches
Frequent school lunch with your kids isn't for everyone. I remember an older dad suggested it to me when I was in your stage of family and I'm so thankful he did. We tried it and eventually adopted it as a value and habit for our home. Yes it is awkward and you'll get plenty of strange looks, but the payoff is huge! It became a tradition for us to eat lunch with our kids most Family Fridays and to this day I've never regretted it one time. In fact, I may need to go buy my college kids lunch right now, for old-time's sake. See you next Friday - Finley PS. When you read an email that connects with your family or season, would you mind forwarding it to a few friends who are also in their power-decade of parenting? I'd love to continue to share these short stories and lessons we learned with other parents like yourself. Thanks! |
Helping propel moms & dads of 3 to 13 year-olds to invest in their power-decade of parenting. Father of 3 teenagers and pastor of 20 years turned digital writer.
Family Friday Newsletter - 2 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead If it's not uncomfortable for you both at times, then you need to show some more tough love to your kids. We Didn't "Cherish Every Season" If there's one emotion that parents don't need more of while in their power-decade season, it's shame. The feeling of pain or guilt that emerges when mom or dad realizes their family isn't measuring up. I felt it on many occasions and I reckon you have too. I...
Family Friday Newsletter - 3 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead Teach your kids early on that special things are worth waiting for. The Daily Discouragement 😤 Let's be honest: Everyday life as a power-decade parent is tough. You provide for physical needs.You slow down for emotional needs.You create fun and memorable moments.You attempt to bring calm to the total chaos. And yet, your kids give practically zero demonstration that they are "getting it." Rare are...
Family Friday Newsletter - 2.5 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead What other people say about your kids when you aren't around is the best evidence of who they are becoming, so don't be discouraged. Hot & Cold It has been a cold, snowy week in my part of the country. Translation: kids have been home from school and out of routine way too long. I've sent a lot of texts to my friends with kids in your 3-13 season, checking in on them. These cold and dark weeks...