A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead
You are in a competition for the heart of your son or daughter and you have hours, days, months, and years to win it.
A Parent Kids Are Thankful ForA lot goes into the day we all experienced yesterday. I once was able to just show up and eat because my parents took care of everything. They bought the food, they planned the sides, and they cooked the turkey. I’m at the stage now where I appreciate more than ever what they did to make our Thanksgiving day happen. Why? Because now it is on me and my wife to do it all...but I kinda love it. (*Low-key, my older teenagers were incredible helpers yesterday and completely changed the hosting game. Someday I promise you'll get to experience this too.) As adults, we live into our present because of the practices of our parents in the past. What you are doing today as a mom or dad transforms into a blessing and boost to your children. 3 Simple IngredientsI was asked the following question recently and I knew the answer would find its way into your hands sooner or later. What are the qualities or attributes of a good parent to their children? In other words, what approach or practices will give your kids the highest possible chance to flourish in life? I wanted my response to be simple, so… Here are three consistent things your kids need from you. Give them these and you’re assured of their thankfulness someday. 1. PROVIDE - Give them love, connection, and resources to grow. You have what they need most, so be lavish. Kids need parents who provide for them. They need your physical resources but they also need your heart. As their provider, you take from your storehouse of life and spend it on them. Give them what they need through your words, wealth, and time. 2. PROTECT - Ensure their safety and keep them from internal & external harm. Life is full of danger, especially for those who are most vulnerable. Kids don’t know what they don’t know. It is up to you to protect them, both from themselves and from the brokenness of our world. Can you be overprotective? Yes. Should you be constantly fearful? No. Protecting your kids is a delicate operation, but they will be thankful you were intentional on their behalf. 3. PUSH - Force them into responsibility, refine their character, and give vision for impact. The path of least resistance never creates a great story. Kids need parents who push them. During the life stage that is most moldable (ie. ages 3-13), they need to be shaped. Speak into their lives. Help them try new things. Take them on adventures. Slow down and explain why. Make them uncomfortable at times. When you are this kind of mom or dad, your kids will know they belong to intentional parents. They will be blessed and have so much to be thankful for on the day when they are in charge of the turkey. Thanks From Me To YouThis weekly Friday newsletter has been a joy to write for the past several years. I've shared over 100+ unique stories, ideas, and lessons that our family learned while raising kids. I won't be sending anything to your inbox in December but you can always read through my archive here at any time. I'm beginning to compile all of these stories and ideas into a book, but it's proving to take more time than I had anticipated. Once I get it completed, you'll be the first to know and hopefully, you can share it with other power-decade parents like yourself. See you soon, |
Helping propel moms & dads of 3 to 13 year-olds to invest in their power-decade of parenting. Father of 3 teenagers and pastor of 20 years turned digital writer.
Family Friday Newsletter - 2.5 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead During the second phase of your power-decade of parenting, the 20-foot rule will help you find some of those early years of family proximity. The Adult vs Kids Table The holiday season always has a lot of family togetherness, sometimes too much even. The pictures, presents, and meals are abundant. So too are the family memories and sometimes the family fights. One of the unique situations for...
Family Friday Newsletter - 3.5 min read by: Finley Robinson My Favorite Parenting Framework 🔨 "Knowing your child is leaving someday helps shape how you spend your today with them." Part 1 "Coaching your kids looks like helping them discover their gifts and passions, and helping them to identify their place in the world." Part 2 WIN-Coach-Release 🥇 You are in a competition for the heart of your son or daughter. The amazing truth is, as their parent, you have the inside track. You are almost...
Family Friday Newsletter - 2.5 min read by: Finley Robinson My Favorite Parenting Framework 🔨 "Knowing your child is leaving someday helps shape how you spend your today with them." Revisit Part 1 (Release) Here *Content Note... once we reach the end of November, I will take a break from sharing these emails for December to give a little inbox relief for the Holidays. Win-COACH-Release 🎯 Bill Moore.Ron Brewer.Gus Malzahn. These are the names of 3 of the best coaches I ever had during my...