Hi there, it's Finley 👋🏼
Happy Friday to 166 parents this week.
Today's story takes 1 minute to read and you can share it here.
Kids love stories of great heroes. They are big and powerful. They create awe and wonder. They generate hopes and dreams.
Stories also shape and mold.
Stories are the easiest point of leverage that we have to teach our kids.
As adults, our lives are directed by the stories we grew up believing in and the the ideas we hold on to today.
As parents, the stories we tell our kids reveal what we believe matters.
Think about what you gravitate towards and share with your 3-13 year old...
The types of people or actions you endorse in your stories are the characteristics your kids will find honorable.
The movies you watch together.
The books you read together.
The families you do life with.
The conversations driving to school.
The heroes you highlight at dinner.
Your stories chart a course for your children.
The lesson: choose your stories wisely b/c stories shape futures.
A slightly different piece here this week because I'm out of town with my wife for the weekend. *(I also wrote this before the shooting at Robb Elementary on Tuesday.)
We are currently in Chicago for my birthday and are going to see Coldplay on Sunday night at Soldier Field. I can't wait.
One of the stories that we wanted to tell our kids was that mom and dad's marriage matters a lot and we need time together without them.
It's why we went to counseling 4 years ago & why we take trips just the 2 of us.
We love our friendship more every year and experiences together reinforce that, but it's tough to get away.
Parents need time together and kids need to see it happen.
It's a story that helps shape a long future for everyone.
What's your favorite trip you've take together as a couple? I'd love to know!
That's all for today's writing of Parenting: what we've learned (so far)
If any of this was engaging or you had a small take away,
it always helps when parents share with others.
Here is a link to this page on the web you could copy & share
Helping propel moms & dads of 3 to 13 year-olds to invest in their power-decade of parenting. Father of 3 teenagers and pastor of 20 years turned digital writer.
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