A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead
A few close friends, who care about your kids, can be the difference between a small hiccup and a big mistake in their lives.
No More ScaleHow often do you feel guilt as a parent? Somedays I wonder if parents in the 1950s felt a similar guilt to what parents feel today or if it's a more modern feeling. They probably did, but I still wonder. It's so easy to get lost in the comparison trap of parenting. Do you fall into the trap of counting your screen time and comparing it to the amount of time you spend tossing a ball or working on a puzzle? Do you worry that the laundry, meals, dishes, bills, projects, and late-night emails are stripping you of backyard moments with your kids? Here is some freedom I'd offer you that someone shared with me... Get rid of the scale. My wife has a health coaching and fitness membership for women. One of the first action steps that she gives women who want to make healthy changes is to put the scale away. Yes, it is good to know your starting weight because one day having a progress point will be helpful. However, the scale can quickly become the villain. She tries instead to help her clients focus on creating awareness and a new way to sustain a healthy life. As a parent, when you compare time spent (ie. 'the scale') in your different functions as a mom or dad, you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of guilt. We all know that our phones take away our attention from the kids daily, but achieving an equal time balance is never going to happen. • The scale only amplifies guilt. • The scale isn't how kids see the world. • The scale causes you to miss the big picture. • The scale removes joy and replaces it with numbers, blah. I don't know of a single parent who hasn't struggled with the scale. I know I have and I still do. The pressure you feel as a parent, for everything you must carry and accomplish, is real. So what does a power-decade parent do instead? Purse meaningful moments. It does get easier as your kids age a bit. That why the power-decade is the ideal time. Their attention span gets longer. Your interests are more aligned. They can carry on a conversation for more than 2 minutes. But as they age, the small moments happen less often. Kids get busier. When your kids are three or five or eight, the temptation can be to only wait for the big moments, the all-day stuff. Vacations and theme parks and day hikes are all great. So is a chapter in the book you are reading together. Kids don't count volume or see the scale the way parents do. Kids will always want more of you. That is the joy of being a kid. Backyard MomentsThrow away the scale that you are using to weigh out your "did I do enough of [fill in the blank] today?" Kids will always want all of your time and then some. They will adjust as life moves around them. I'm not creating an excuse for being a daily absentee parent, no. I am saying that the moments I remember the most and the ones my kids still talk about are the small backyard moments, no matter how little time they took. • Playing Lego Star Wars on the Wii, all six episodes. • Playing go fish or spoons and seeing them get competitive like their dad. • Playing some dumb game I invented on the trampoline with my ring. • Playing ball in the front yard, even when they got tired after 10 minutes. The scale is only going to rob your joy and heap guilt upon your head. Somedays I wanted more time with my kids and they were over Dad's games. The scale is always unkind. There is a reason that movies romanticize the puzzle around the fire and playing catch in the backyard. They are the small ones that add up. I didn't realize it at the time because of the arguing or the cries of unfairness between my kids. The 20 min here or the 40 min there, they stick. Both for you and for them. When you stop looking at the hours of cooking, cleaning or scrolling and accept the few backyard moments as enough, you'll be the free parent you hope to be. Get rid of the scale. Pursue meaningful moments instead. See you next Friday, |
Helping propel moms & dads of 3 to 13 year-olds to invest in their power-decade of parenting. Father of 3 teenagers and pastor of 20 years turned digital writer.
Family Friday Newsletter - 2 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead If it's not uncomfortable for you both at times, then you need to show some more tough love to your kids. We Didn't "Cherish Every Season" If there's one emotion that parents don't need more of while in their power-decade season, it's shame. The feeling of pain or guilt that emerges when mom or dad realizes their family isn't measuring up. I felt it on many occasions and I reckon you have too. I...
Family Friday Newsletter - 3 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead Teach your kids early on that special things are worth waiting for. The Daily Discouragement 😤 Let's be honest: Everyday life as a power-decade parent is tough. You provide for physical needs.You slow down for emotional needs.You create fun and memorable moments.You attempt to bring calm to the total chaos. And yet, your kids give practically zero demonstration that they are "getting it." Rare are...
Family Friday Newsletter - 2.5 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead What other people say about your kids when you aren't around is the best evidence of who they are becoming, so don't be discouraged. Hot & Cold It has been a cold, snowy week in my part of the country. Translation: kids have been home from school and out of routine way too long. I've sent a lot of texts to my friends with kids in your 3-13 season, checking in on them. These cold and dark weeks...