Family Friday: Words Are Better Than Presents 🎁

Family Friday Newsletter - 2 min read & 10 min write

by: Finley Robinson

Happy Friday and Merry Christmas🎄

This will take 2 minutes to read but 10 minutes of your time.

The Blessing

When I was in my early twenties, my dad made a throw-away comment one afternoon. He told me he believed I would become a writer one day.

I remember thinking a couple of things at the time:

1) When has he read something I've written that would lead him to believe I had those skills?

2) How does someone become a writer and do those people just sit around writing books all day?

I had no idea what he saw or if it would ever become a reality, but what he said never left me for over 20 years.

Today, this little Family Friday newsletter is one of the outcomes of my dad's belief in me and his words of blessing in my life.

With Christmas and the New Year right on the horizon, I believe parents like us have an opportunity.

I know your kids are ready to tear into that big box wrapped under the tree. It's normal and fine for little kids to crave the excitement of new gifts.

What means more though and lasts longer is your Blessing.

Your words carry weight.
Not just any words though.
Words in the form of a Blessing.

You may not consider yourself a word person or a writer. That's ok.

The fact that purposeful words are coming from YOU gives them more power than anything else on earth.

Whether your kids are 2, 7, 13, or 17 you can bless them.

It could be over a meal on Christmas Eve.
It could be in the form of a letter in their stocking.
It could be a special moment in your pajamas on Christmas morning.

You might even wait for the Christmas chaos to die down and make it a New Year's initiative.

Deep in the heart of each one of your kids, is what they desire more than anything else, your Blessing.

I'm turning the tables a bit here for you, from consumer to creator, but what a gift your kids could receive.

And you know what? They need it from you.

Will you take 10 minutes and write out something for each of your kids and share it with them for Christmas?

The Format

A book titled The Blessing was written 30+ years ago and laid out what this looks like for parents. It involves the following:

  1. Meaningful touch for your child
  2. Attaching high value to the individual
  3. A spoken message of love and acceptance
  4. Verbalizing a special future for that person
  5. An active commitment to fulfill the blessing

A few prompts for you to write out and share with them:


  • I have loved watching you grow in ___ this year.
  • I believe in you because you have ____ qualities.
  • I noticed you made a change in ____ and that was hard.


  • I am proud of how you handled ____ recently.
  • It's a privilege to get to be your mom/dad right now because ___.
  • I love you because you are my son/daughter and nothing can ever change that.


  • I see a special future for you as you use ____ gifts.
  • I believe that next year you will see tremendous growth in ___.

Your kids crave your Blessing. I hope you'll give them that gift.

Take the time.
Create a moment.
Speak from the heart.

I pray you have a wonderful and beautiful Christmas!


The 3-Part Family Framework

When you share your unique referral link below with 1 friend, I'll immediately send you a 5-minute read that will give you a framework, vision, and strategy to help you build a home you love for a lifetime.


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Power-Decade Parenting

Helping propel moms & dads of 3 to 13 year-olds to invest in their power-decade of parenting. Father of 3 teenagers and pastor of 20 years turned digital writer.

Read more from Power-Decade Parenting

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