A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead Where Does Confidence Come From?The following are all statements that my wife or I said to our kids when they were your kid's age. Somewhere between 3-13, our kids heard us say these and dozens of other statements like it.
One of the greatest contributions parents can make in their kid's lives is the building of their confidence. You don't want over-confidence. You hope to avoid timidity. Confidence isn't something only extroverted kids can have. Introverts have it as well, sometimes even more! An effective parent knows that there comes a day when your kids will need a sense of belief in their strengths to carry them through. The right amount of confidence in their God-given strengths is critical to raising healthy teenagers. Plus it carries them on into adulthood too. I'm not talking about their personalities. It's easy to mistake bravado for confidence or quietness for being timid. Confident kids have a level of certainty about their abilities and believe they can succeed in the challenge that's ahead of them. Here Are The Effective Parent's 4 Rules
Helping propel moms & dads of 3 to 13 year-olds to invest in their power-decade of parenting. Father of 3 teenagers and pastor of 20 years turned digital writer.
Family Friday Newsletter - 2 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead If it's not uncomfortable for you both at times, then you need to show some more tough love to your kids. We Didn't "Cherish Every Season" If there's one emotion that parents don't need more of while in their power-decade season, it's shame. The feeling of pain or guilt that emerges when mom or dad realizes their family isn't measuring up. I felt it on many occasions and I reckon you have too. I...
Family Friday Newsletter - 3 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead Teach your kids early on that special things are worth waiting for. The Daily Discouragement 😤 Let's be honest: Everyday life as a power-decade parent is tough. You provide for physical needs.You slow down for emotional needs.You create fun and memorable moments.You attempt to bring calm to the total chaos. And yet, your kids give practically zero demonstration that they are "getting it." Rare are...
Family Friday Newsletter - 2.5 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead What other people say about your kids when you aren't around is the best evidence of who they are becoming, so don't be discouraged. Hot & Cold It has been a cold, snowy week in my part of the country. Translation: kids have been home from school and out of routine way too long. I've sent a lot of texts to my friends with kids in your 3-13 season, checking in on them. These cold and dark weeks...