Family Friday: "Become A Person" Camp


Family Friday Newsletter - 2 min read

by Finley Robinson


A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead

The inner lives of kids are a lot like a gardenπŸͺ΄ and with you as their gardener πŸ§‘β€πŸŒΎ one of the great things you should hope to see grown in them is gratitude.


How To Become A Person Camp

If summer break hasn't hit your home yet, it's only a few days away. When our kids were at your family stage my emotional state was always a mixed bag heading into summer.

Yeah for flexibility and Nah for chaos.

My wife and kids made fun of me for years for my big summer plans and goals. June 1st might as well have been January 1st with all the overcommitments and promises I made to myself that fell apart over the summer.

A few years ago, way too late for me to use it on my kids, I learned about an idea I wish I had known during our family summers.

Enter: "Become a Person" Camp

Why do I wish I had known about it? Because it makes a fun game out of growing up.

I know in your home right now there are so many things you wish your kids were able to do for themselves. The problem is, kids growth arrives in stages. You also know that someday they are going to need to know a ton of things in order to function as an adult.

If you want your kids to gain skills, abilities, and independence, the summer is a great time to level them up. With all the hours and daylight that you have, it's a great way to put some purpose into your days.

Calling it Become A Person Camp throughout the summer does several good things:

  1. It makes blah and boring things more exciting by 'going to camp.'
  2. It allows everyone to mark progress over a couple of months.
  3. It celebrates age-appropriate growth and skill development.
  4. It makes learning understandable for your kids in their language.

When it comes to your young kids, they do want to grow up. Often though they want the privileges and freedoms that come with it more than the effort and process to get there.

So take them to Person Camp in your home throughout the summer.

Tell them you're excited to help them learn about being a big person one day and see how many boxes you can check off before school starts back.


Person Camp Abilities By Age

Feel free to print these off, write them on a whiteboard, turn each into a sticky note to pull off as you complete it, whatever approach you'd like!


3-5 year olds +\-

  • How to make your bed
  • How to water the plants
  • How to choose clothes, put them on and take them off
  • How to write your name
  • How to clean up toys and organize them
  • How to introduce yourself to a new friend
  • How to wipe correctly and then wash hands
  • How to clean up spills and crumbs
  • How to buckle your own seat belt
  • How to say a prayer, start to finish
  • How to use safety scissors & glue
  • How to refill a cup without spilling
  • How to say full name, DOB, and hometown
  • How to put on socks and shoes and introduce tying
  • How to ask for help from an adult
  • How to put a straw into a box drink
  • How to brush your teeth well


6-8 year olds +\-

  • How to scramble an egg
  • How to write a thank you note
  • How to trim your nails
  • How to order politely at a restaurant
  • How to do hair, the basics
  • How to change a diaper
  • How to safely wash and cut fruits
  • How to give change for money
  • How to make a PB&J and clean up after yourself
  • How to make toast
  • How to feed the animals
  • How to pack an overnight bag
  • How to identify big feelings and what to do with them
  • How to open and/or address an envelop
  • How to maintain a bathroom, change TP, etc
  • How to make noodles
  • How to blow dry hair
  • How to floss your teeth well
  • How to hold and use a knife safely
  • How to separate the recycling
  • How to practice pool safety
  • How to put on bike helmets
  • How to unload the dishwasher


8-12 year olds +\-

  • How to do a load of laundry
  • How to wipe down countertops and tables
  • How to practice basic first aid
  • How to call an adult on the phone
  • How to pack your own lunch
  • How to fold and put away clothes
  • How to put away groceries
  • How to check in at the doctor/dentist office
  • How to load a dishwasher
  • How to disagree with someone respectfully
  • How to sweep and use a vacuum
  • How to clean up after the animals
  • How to bake a pie or cake
  • How to wrap a gift
  • How to use a debit card
  • How to shake hands when introduced
  • How to decline an invitation with grace
  • How to stay home alone safely
  • How to adjust the thermostat
  • How to use basic yard tools and someday engine tools


The 3-Part Family Framework

When you share your unique referral link below with 1 friend, I'll immediately send you a 5-minute read that will give you a framework, vision, and strategy to help you build a home you love for a lifetime.


PS: You have referred [RH_TOTREF GOES HERE] people so far πŸ˜‰


Power-Decade Parenting

Helping propel moms & dads of 3 to 13 year-olds to invest in their power-decade of parenting. Father of 3 teenagers and pastor of 20 years turned digital writer.

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