A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead
There is a reason that movies romanticize puzzles around the fire and playing catch in the backyard. They are the small moments that add up in a growing family.
The GuaranteeOne weekend this summer I found myself at the lake with some young dads. It was the kind of weekend where the conversation was rich and the fun overflowed. As we sat around in the living room, the topic of conversation steered towards raising kids. Some of it was about the challenges of kids entering middle school and others about adding a second kid to the family. One of the young dads asked me what it was like raising a son versus a daughter. Sure there are a ton of differences, but I wanted to answer his question in a super simple and tangible way. So I gave him my hands & hearts model for raising sons and daughters. Simple parenting concepts are never totally universal, but this one is close. If you start doing this when your kids are young, you should never stop. It will shift a bit over the years, but the practice never runs out of impact. Truthfully we've kept it going all the way into young adulthood and don't plan quitting. Moms and Dads can both do this and it'll look different, which is good. Here is a major difference in raising your sons versus your daughters... Sons need your hands.
Helping propel moms & dads of 3 to 13 year-olds to invest in their power-decade of parenting. Father of 3 teenagers and pastor of 20 years turned digital writer.
Family Friday Newsletter - 3 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead Choose your stories wisely because your stories shape your children's futures. Fearing Frustration One of the approaches that my wife and I believed in was raising kids who could "figure it out." We didn't start out that way because, like most parents, our natural response to a child who couldn't find something was to jump in and solve the problem. As they aged though, I became convinced that we...
Family Friday Newsletter - 3 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead In the competition to win your child's heart, your opponent isn't who you think it is. Highest Leverage If you had 45 minutes to sit across the lunch table with anyone today, who would you choose? A lunch date with your spouse? A quick catch-up with a best friend? A week recap with your business partner? A mentor that you haven't talked with in a while? I have found there is something special about...
Family Friday Newsletter - 2 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead The Question: "What did you guys do to create the lasting connectedness you have with your kids?"My Reply: Whatever we did, we always did it together. Truths From Trees Sometimes there are great parenting lessons that are hidden inside other family groups. For instance, animal families have their own special names. Lions: A Pride 🦁Whales: A Pod 🐋Beavers: A Colony 🦫Monkeys: A Troop 🐒Rhinoceroses: A...