A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead
A family that puts structures into place and commits to keeping the whole team together, will win in the long run.
Family ControversyIn our family, girls are allowed to get their ears pierced at age 12 and not a moment sooner. Are we crazy? Possibly. How much thought have you put into the appropriate age for a girl to have her ears pierced? If your answer is not much, then you're in the majority. For most families, there is no thought at all, which is totally fine. I am sure that for many families it happens when their little girl asks about it the first time. Then she goes with her mom to have them pierced by a professional and it's done. In our family, the ear-piercing age was set aside as something "special." There are times that power-decade parents need to draw some lines in the sand. They may seem arbitrary, but they serve the greater good. Between you and me, I don't believe that a girl having her ears pierced is that big of a deal, honestly. But we chose to reserve if for later in life. Why? Because we believe that special things are worth waiting for. The Magical MottoWe could have chosen ear piercing, sleepovers, or summer camp. The emphasis we needed to teach early though, was ... Special things are worth waiting for We believed that if we could infuse that into the hearts and minds of our young kids it would pay off. Of course, they didn't like it or appreciate it at the time and yes it was uncomfortable. I will tell you that my wife and I got significant pushback from both of our girls over the years for this decision we made. When I say we made I truthfully mean I made. To my wife, this choice of waiting till age 12 for an ear piercing was arbitrary. She didn't think it was that big of a deal but she did agree with the principle we wanted to uphold in our home. Yes, I wondered if we were doing the right thing. Today, over 20 years later, I know it was 100% worth it. Life is full of special things and experiences: Sex The challenge is having the patience to wait for them until the proper time. We wanted to create situations in which our children experienced waiting for an extended time. Not your every day waiting for help or waiting their turn. Wait for a long time. Waiting for something special. Here was the thinking behind our approach:
Creating opportunities to teach your kids patience AND that special things are worth waiting for is one of the greatest parenting investments you can make. They need to experience it in the situations you create and they need to hear it repeated often so that they mentally embrace it as well. And let's not pretend that patience and delayed gratification get any easier as adults, right? So have some grace on your kids but hold the line often enough that they will experience and understand that special things are worth waiting for. See you next Friday, PS. Do you have any unique family instances where you've tried to teach this principle or help your kids grow in patience and delay gratification? If so, I'd love to hear from your family if you want to write me back and share! |
Helping propel moms & dads of 3 to 13 year-olds to invest in their power-decade of parenting. Father of 3 teenagers and pastor of 20 years turned digital writer.
Family Friday Newsletter - 2.5 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead There is one common emotion that every parent feels that never goes away, and that emotion is fear. Parents Understand Tough Love Awhile back, a viral video from TikTok made its way to my FYP (my kids tell me that means For You Page) and it stopped me cold. It was of a first-time mother horse and her foal. I had no idea how powerful and deep her maternal instincts were and it was the perfect...
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Family Friday Newsletter - 2 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead You are in a competition for the heart of your son or daughter and you have hours, days, months, and years to win it. A Parent Kids Are Thankful For A lot goes into the day we all experienced yesterday. I once was able to just show up and eat because my parents took care of everything. They bought the food, they planned the sides, and they cooked the turkey. I’m at the stage now where I appreciate...