Hi there, it's Finley 👋🏼
Happy Friday to 198 parents this week.
Can we see 200 next Friday? We will if you share this with 1 other parent!
Today's story takes 2 minute to read.
Focus is a gift that has significant compounding affects.
Taking one kid shopping is a lot easier than taking them all. Fewer distractions.
When you are potty training, your focus goes to that particular ability for the better part of a few weeks. You let other things go.
I got overwhelmed and out of line trying to teach and direct my kids in too many areas at once.
Once I realized that each stage could have a particular focus, my wife and I felt more confident we could let certain issues go and not feel guilty.
Here is a general summary of our priorities over 15 years.
I think it's a good list, but it doesn't have to be yours (and it can change).
The important thing, is that you have a focus for each of your kids & seasons.
You'll be a better parent and your kids will feel relieved that every area isn't weighty all the time.
Here is the where & when of the Robinson Family's Focus:
Whatever season you are in, I believe you are better off if you'll focus for a long while on a couple things.
Mom. Dad. You have plenty of time. Don't build them all at once.
Focus is your friend and theirs too.
That's all for today's writing of Parenting: what we've learned (so far)
If any of this was engaging or you had a small take away,
it always helps when parents share with others.
Here is a link to this page on the web you could copy & share
Helping propel moms & dads of 3 to 13 year-olds to invest in their power-decade of parenting. Father of 3 teenagers and pastor of 20 years turned digital writer.
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