
Power-Decade Parenting

Helping propel moms & dads of 3 to 13 year-olds to invest in their power-decade of parenting. Father of 3 teenagers and pastor of 20 years turned digital writer.

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Family Friday: Do These 2 Things For 20 Years

Family Friday Newsletter - 2 min read by Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead There is a reason that movies romanticize puzzles around the fire and playing catch in the backyard. They are the small moments that add up in a growing family. The Guarantee One weekend this summer I found myself at the lake with some young dads. It was the kind of weekend where the conversation was rich and the fun overflowed. As we sat around in the living room, the topic of conversation steered...

Family Friday Newsletter - 2 min read by Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead Choosing the with you principle as a family will unlock great qualities and memorable moments for your kids. Together "What was the big thing that drew you together most as a family?" I was asked this question by a dad with elementary-aged kids not long ago. My wife and I were invited by him and his wife to join them last minute at a local concert. As we sat on the lawn, listening to the music, he...

Family Friday Newsletter - 4 min read by Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead "Cherish every season" was consistent parenting advice we were given that never sat well and we never bought into. Between Generations Summer trips to visit grandparents.Summer vacation with grandparents.Summer visits from the grandparents. When I was young, my family took trips across the state every summer to visit my parents hometown. My parents were high school sweethearts and so I had two sets...

Family Friday Newsletter - 3 min read by Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead Administering discipline to our kids in a protective and corrective way also needs to be done in a connective way. 👶🏼 Wait, You're Pregnant? It was exactly 20 years ago this week when my wife and I found out some surprising news. It was the summer of 2004 and our oldest daughter was 6 months old at the time. My wife walked in with a baby in one hand and a positive pregnancy test in the other. I...

Family Friday Newsletter - 3 min read by Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead Don't succumb to shame when you don't love everything about your current season of parenting. In other words, "cherish every season" is terrible advice. Last Name Power Scott.Nolen.Martin.Graves.Hannon.Wiseman.Matthews. These surnames likely mean nothing to you, but they meant everything to me as a young father. Every power-decade parent needs a list like this. These names were pillars for us. They...

Family Friday Newsletter - 2 min read by Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead The summer is a perfect time to help build a team of voices that will carry your children through the power-decade of their life and beyond. Fatherhood On this Father's Day weekend, I wish I had the opportunity to grab every young father that I could find and pump him up. If I could, I would try to help that dad believe that he has more power than he could possibly imagine. Fathers are models,...

Family Friday Newsletter - 3 min read by Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead Family trips often reveal one of the most under-appreciated qualities kids need from you as a parent... being clear with them. Big Expectations When we were raising young kids, I'll admit that I had unrealistic expectations when we spent time together as a full family of 5. It happened in small doses when we ate dinner or worked on projects around the house together. But if I had abnormal sized...

Family Friday Newsletter - 2 min read by Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead The inner lives of kids are a lot like a garden🪴 and with you as their gardener 🧑🌾 one of the great things you should hope to see grown in them is gratitude. How To Become A Person Camp If summer break hasn't hit your home yet, it's only a few days away. When our kids were at your family stage my emotional state was always a mixed bag heading into summer. Yeah for flexibility and Nah for chaos. My...

Family Friday Newsletter - 1 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead Grace-filled homes recognize that individual growth can take years and leave room for "the imperfect and never finished." Stories Shape Futures Kids gravitate towards great stories. So many of them follow The Heroes Journey. Classics like Moana or Toy Story are legendary kids movies because of how well they accomplish this. Stories in the lives of your kids, end up shaping and molding them. Stories...

Family Friday Newsletter - 3 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead Instead of asking your kids "How was school today?" make a game out of the question and you'll get a much better answer from them. The Last Drive Yesterday morning was my last school drop-off as a dad... ever. My youngest daughter turns 16 next week and will be driving herself around town, back and forth to school or work. I think it popped into my mind about 5 minutes away from her high school...