Family Friday: Take A Time Out

Family Friday Newsletter - 1.5 min read

by: Finley Robinson

A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead

Spending 45 minutes in your child's school lunchroom creates an outsized amount of leverage for you as a parent.

Take A Break

I was out of town with my wife this week, so all I'm sending today is a short list... 12 reasons that parents should take some time away together to invest in their marriage.

I know that not everyone who reads along each week is married or is still married to their child's mom or dad. I understand there are circumstances where mom and dad are no longer together, and that affects you every day.

Here are 12 reasons why time away for mom and dad is good for everyone in the family...

  1. You can catch up on your rest and sleep so you will have better energy back home.
  2. It helps to stay connected as a couple and build a necessary lasting friendship for your present and future.
  3. You have fun stories and make memories to come home and share with your kids.
  4. It's always good to miss someone you love (ie. your kids) even if they are at a difficult age.
  5. Your kids benefit by having experiences with other caregivers and a different rhythm for a few days.
  6. It can provide a big-picture reset and perspective about your home while you are away.
  7. It demonstrates to your kids that they are not the center of your personal universe.
  8. You can enjoy experiences with other peer parents and friends you care about.
  9. Family planning, looking back (reflection) and looking ahead (vision), can happen in a less chaotic environment.
  10. Your kids will need to take on more responsibility around the house and not rely on mom & dad for everything.
  11. Time for hobbies is hard to come by with young kids, but a few days away can provide that opportunity.
  12. A healthy mom/dad give your kids the security & consistency they need to thrive in your home.

I hope you can get away, even for 36 hours, together sometime in the next 4-6 months. It is always a great investment in the whole of your home.

See you next Friday,

Helping parents create a family and wealth that will last a lifetime.

After working as a pastor for 20 years, I am convinced that the most influential people in our entire culture are parents of 3-13 year olds. My wife and I were young parents and counted on the wisdom and stories of others to stay in the game. That's why this newsletter exists. In my role as an investment advisor today I know that wealth is not a number but a way of life. I believe that families should not be asset rich and relationally poor. If you want to talk more about how I can help your family with multi-generational investment planning, let's connect.


Finley Robinson · Investment Advisor

Power-Decade Parenting

Helping propel moms & dads of 3 to 13 year-olds to invest in their power-decade of parenting. Father of 3 teenagers and pastor of 20 years turned digital writer.

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