A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead
In the teenage years and beyond you will be so glad you made the effort to promote sibling friendship. One Piece At A TimeOne of the biggest challenges of power-decade parenting is that your life is pulled in a thousand different directions. Being intentional to build connection and character with your kids can feel like a losing effort. The ability to focus on one child at a time seems as impossible as wrangling your squirming toddler to get their diaper on. In my early parenting days, I got overwhelmed and in my own head trying to shape and teach my kids in too many areas at once. Once I realized that each stage could have a particular focus, my wife and I felt more confident we could let certain issues go. The freedom to be released from "we aren't doing enough" was amazing. Focused PrioritiesHere is a general summary of our priorities over 15 years. I think it's a good list, but it doesn't have to be yours (and it can change). The win is having an area of focus for each of your kid's life seasons. You'll be a better parent and your kids will feel relieved that every area isn't as weighty all the time. Here is the where & when of the Robinson Family's focus over the years:
Big Questions Each YearAnother way to focus your effort as a parent is by looking for ways to answer the question each child is naturally asking. I picked up this list some years back and it has held true throughout all our seasons of family. Am I safe? (0-1)
Am I able? (1-2) Am I ok? (3-4) Do I have your attention? (K-1st) Do I have what it takes? (2nd-3rd) Do I have friends? (4th-5th) Who do I like? (6th) Who am I? (7th-8th) Where do I belong? (9th) What do I believe? (10th)
How can I matter? (11th)
What will I do? (12th) Whatever stage your kids are in, free yourself up by focusing on a couple of important connection points. You have plenty of time. See you next Friday, |
Helping propel moms & dads of 3 to 13 year-olds to invest in their power-decade of parenting. Father of 3 teenagers and pastor of 20 years turned digital writer.
Family Friday Newsletter - 2.5 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead A family that puts structures into place and commits to keeping the whole team together, will win in the long run. Family Controversy In our family, girls are allowed to get their ears pierced at age 12 and not a moment sooner. Are we crazy? Possibly.Are we an outlier? Likely.Do we have a reason? Definitely. How much thought have you put into the appropriate age for a girl to have her ears...
Family Friday Newsletter - 2.5 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead There is one common emotion that every parent feels that never goes away, and that emotion is fear. Parents Understand Tough Love Awhile back, a viral video from TikTok made its way to my FYP (my kids tell me that means For You Page) and it stopped me cold. It was of a first-time mother horse and her foal. I had no idea how powerful and deep her maternal instincts were and it was the perfect...
Family Friday Newsletter - 2.5 min read by: Finley Robinson A Single Sentence from a Season Ahead During the second phase of your power-decade of parenting, the 20-foot rule will help you find some of those early years of family proximity. The Adult vs Kids Table The holiday season always has a lot of family togetherness, sometimes too much even. The pictures, presents, and meals are abundant. So too are the family memories and sometimes the family fights. One of the unique situations for...